5 Mindset Mistakes That Make You Feel Bad
Michelle Palacios Michelle Palacios

5 Mindset Mistakes That Make You Feel Bad

Believe it or not, the way you feel is not because your friend did not acknowledge you. The way you feel is due to the thought you had about it. It is not the situation that causes you to feel an emotion, but your perception or the meaning you assign to it.

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Overcoming Scarcity Mindset
Michelle Palacios Michelle Palacios

Overcoming Scarcity Mindset

Are you afraid you don’t have enough? If it never feels like you have enough time, love or money, you may have a scarcity mindset. Check out our blog to learn how to overcome it.

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How To Reach Your BIG Goals
Michelle Palacios Michelle Palacios

How To Reach Your BIG Goals

You know that BIG goal that you would love to accomplish and yet, no matter how much you try, you always end up giving up before you reach it?

Maybe life gets in the way. Maybe you encounter obstacles you can’t overcome. Or maybe you just reach a plateau. We all have those nagging goals that we struggle to reach.

Well, I finally did it!

I cracked the code and am going to tell you how so you can conquer your big goal, too.

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How To Give Yourself Grace
Michelle Palacios Michelle Palacios

How To Give Yourself Grace

Are you sick with guilt or shame because of a mistake you made? Beating yourself up won’t help you go back to the past and change it. Read this article to learn how to give yourself grace and step out of shame so that you can move forward in a healthy and constructive way.

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