Finally catch some zzz’s.


Insomnia is the inability to sleep enough at night. It is those moments you catch yourself watching the clock and stressing as the time goes by because you know that if you don’t get some sleep, you will feel terrible tomorrow. It is tossing and turning all night long. It is taking a long time to fall asleep or easily falling asleep, but waking up soon after and being unable to fall back asleep. It is constantly feeling tired, but too wired to sleep. It is moodiness, agitation, and difficulty concentrating because you haven’t truly rested. It is a true health concern.

insomnia CBT-i

Symptoms of Insomnia

  • Trouble falling asleep at night

  • Waking at night

  • Waking up earlier than you want to

  • Not feeling refreshed after a night's sleep

  • Daytime fatigue or sleepiness

  • Irritability, depression or anxiety

  • Trouble paying attention, focusing or remembering

  • Increase in mistakes or accidents

  • Continued worry about sleep

Sleep insomnia

How does therapy help?

When it comes to insomnia we at Life Revised, PLLC use Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia. This consists of tracking your sleep and developing a formula for a healthy sleep wake cycle. Then, we will discuss a personalized plan for you to implement that will help you adjust your behavioral and cognitive routine to help you finally catch those zzzz’s. In about 4 sessions we should have you on the right track to get a restful night’s sleep.